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Hilton –

since 1976

About > Management

We at Hilton intentionally have a very ‘flat’ management structure and whilst all management personnel take care of their own divisions and teams, regular management interactions take place to ensure everyone is across all aspects of the business.

At the very heart of our organisation is our people, and they are all treated with a high level of respect and courtesy across all areas of the organisation. Safety, productivity and accountability is filtered throughout all areas of the organisation, and the sharing of skills and tasks ensures multi skilled individuals who are focussed, motivated and integral to the organisation’s success.

The management team all share the common vision for the business, which is underpinned by our 3 key pillars “Dynamic, Diversified and Progressive.”

Dynamic ensures that we are always in tune with our customers needs. Customer focus and delivery is at the very core of what we do. This has never been more important as we can now see the negative impacts on businesses that rely on overseas supply of their products or components. We must remain cost competitive and agile to meet customer requirements and to exceed their expectations.

Diversified ensures we are always seeking new opportunities and building on our portfolio for the betterment of the organisation and its people and extending our offering to a greater customer base.

Progressive means we are prepared to invest in our people and our facilities and always look to the future to ensure our solutions remain relevant to current and future customers’ requirements.


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Adopting a lean manufacturing culture including Lean Capability, 5S, and Just in Time delivery, ensure Hilton has the resources to maintain its global competitiveness.